June 4-12, 2010
a virtual event
SteamPink (my definition) = female heroine stories with romance, adventure or mystery in a steampunk world
But what is steampunk?
cogs, corsets, goggles, gadgets, gizmos, steam powered weaponry, rebels, villains, heroes, and more
as you join in this week's events you will see the many faces of a steampunk world
The day has finally arrived and the Devonian Express has pulled into the train station ready to take passengers on a journey from the Highlands of Scotland to London.
Final destination for Society members with tickets - the World's Fair!
Pass your luggage to the closest porter and hop on the train.
Have your tickets at the ready. If you don't have a ticket, hop on anyway. All are welcome.
As you find a seat on the train, service attendants pass out the programs below for you to peruse.
Comment below and tell me how you are feeling this fine day and what your hopes and expectations are for this steampunk train ride.
Teaser 1 - SteamPink Tickets
Teaser 2 - SteamPink in June
Teaser 3 - SteamPink Luggage (list of books featured)
Teaser 4 - SteamPink Lovelace Device (more books featured)
Don't miss anything! Sign up to receive posts via email on my sidebar.
FYI: There will be 3-8 posts per day posted between 5am - 5pm PDT.
Feel free to check in every couple hours or at the end of the day.
Schedule of events:
details and links will be filled in after posted
per usual links are also on the sidebar
June 4, 2010 - and so the steam ride begins...
Devonian Express - cab: learn about this week's activities and giveaway offers
Giveaway: Steampunk challenge
Giveaway: Redeem train tickets
Coach car: Avalon from Avalon Revisited
Coach car: Rose from Clockworks & Corsets
Dome car: vvb's cake
June 5, 2010 - paranormal
Giveaway: Baggage car - steampunk hat
Dining car: menu
Coach car: Alexia of Soulless by Gail Carriger
Coach car: Abigail of New Amsterdam by Elizabeth Bear
Coach car: Jillian of Crimson and Steam by Liz Maverick
June 6, 2010 - magic/ fantasy
Giveaway: Express car - Penelope Pinion, steampunk doll
Travelling Post Office Car: In My Mailbox
Dining car: appetizer
Coach car: Phoebe of Viridis by Calista Taylor
Coach car: Cat & Bee of Cold Magic by Kate Elliott
Coach car: Amanusa of New Blood by Gail Dayton
Coach car: Emily of Heart of Light by Sarah A. Hoyt
Coach car: Natalie of The Boneshaker by Kate Milford
Coach car: Amelia of The Kingdom Beyond the Waves by Stephen Hunt
June 7, 2010 - wild west/ apocalyptic
Coach car: Samantha of Wild Cards and Iron Horses by Sheryl Nantus
Coach car: Alice of Black Jack Derringer by K.H. Koehler
Coach car: vvb's encounter by K.H. Koehler
Dining car: sandwich
Coach car: Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
Giveaway: Lounge car - book
June 8, 2010 - scifi
Coach car: Taya of Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliassotti
Giveaway: Coach car - book and charm
Coach car: Emiko of The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi
Dining car: salad
Coach car: Mattie of The Alchemy Of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia
Coach car: Karenina of Android Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and Ben H. Winters
June 9, 2010 - meeting
Private car: meeting
Private car: greeting
Private car: Leggs
Private car: Heather's report - Steampunk Heroines
Dining car: dessert
Coach car: Beatrice of The Women of Nell Gwynne’s By Kage Baker
June 10, 2010 - Italy & Africa
Private car: Giada's report - Italy
Private car: Noni's report - Asia
Private car: Jane & Jade's report - Africa
Coach car: Jnembi of Virtuoso by Jon Munger
Coach car: Seshat of As Timeless As Stone by Maeve Alpin
Coach car: Sahdi of The Nubian Queen By Paul Genesse
Private car: meeting - conclusion
Giveaway: Lounge car - book and CD
June 11, 2010 - time travel
Coach car: Octavia of Steamed by Katie MacAlister
Coach car: Laurel of Full Steam Ahead by Nathalie Gray
Coach car: Violet of Mechanical Rose by Nathalie Gray
Coach car: Olivia of Tangled in Time by Pauline B. Jones
Coach car: Johnny and Araminta from Mystery Robin
Coach car: E. Fenwick of Steamside Chronicles by Ciar Cullen
Blogosphere giveaway: Lounge car - magazine
June 12, 2010 - upcoming steampink/ survey/ credits
All cars: Conductor Survey - must complete this for giveaways to be valid
Sleeping car: upcoming steampink books to watch out for
Sleeping car: Menace from Above by Nathalie Gray
Observation car: end credits and acknowledgments
June 14, 2010 - epilogue & giveaways end
Epilogue: Find out what happens after the Menace from Above and make sure and submit all your links and complete survey for giveaway offers.
June 16, 2010 - winners
Announcement: Giveaway winners pt1
June 30, 2010 - winners
Announcement: Giveaway winners pt2
July 2010 - a virtual dirigible ride
Save the date: SteamBoyz - July 9-17, 2010 - the boys in steampunk
* source for most of my romance steam are from Heather at The Galaxy Express
* image source for steampink badge Vecona dress
Books featured:
more hidden in the baggage car to be revealed later...