hosted by Stephanie's Written Word
July 1, 2010 – January 1, 2011
Signup & Details
Participants Review Links
All you need to do is sign up and pick out what six Austen-themed things you want to finish to complete the challenge.
I'm carrying over those I didn't get to complete last year.
Also, I'm including Jane related links from earlier this year.
Note: Links for items below with be activated as posts go up.
My Giveaways:
- virtual party with various giveaways
Mr Knightley's Picnic - February 25-26, 2010
Mansfield Park Murder Mystery virtual dinner - June 24-27, 2010
Jane in June
Pemberley Ball - November 18-20, 2010
My Austenesque challenge picks:
Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen and illustrated by Hugh Thomson
-this will be a re-read, but a first read of this edition
and those using the P&P theme:
First Impressions
by Alexa Adams
-First Impressions dress - book fashion
-my review
Fire and Cross
by Enid Wilson - my review
Sense and Sensibility
by Jane Austen
-this will be a re-read
and those using the S&S theme:
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
by Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters
Sense & Sensibility graphic novel
COVER BY: Sonny Liew
WRITER: Nancy Butler
PENCILS: Sonny Liew
INKS: Sonny Liew
COLORED BY: Sonny Liew
-comic book #1
-comic book #2
-comic book #3
-comic book #4
-comic book #5
Mansfield Park
by Jane Austen - my review
-my first reading
and those using the MP theme or related:
Lovers' Vows
Mansfield Park And Mummies
Monster Mayhem, Matrimony, Ancient Curses, True Love, and Other Dire Delights
by Jane Austen And Vera Nazarian
by Jane Austen
-my first reading
and those using the Emma theme:
Emma and the Werewolves
by Jane Austen and Adam Rann - my review
Northanger Abbey
by Jane Austen
-this will be a re-read
and those using the Northanger Abbey theme or related:
The Mysteries of Udolpho
by Ann Radcliffe
the remaining novels:
by Jane Austen
-my first reading
Sanditon: Jane Austen's Last Novel Completed
by Jane Austen and Another Lady
Frederic & Elfrida
by Jane Austen
Janeicillin - online fiction
by Alexa Adams
Mrs Darcy vs The Aliens - every Wed & Sat
Jane Austen's Sewing Box:
Craft Projects and Stories from Jane Austen's Novels
by Jennifer Forest
-I plan on doing a craft from this book. So stay tuned for pics.
Tea with Jane Austen
by Kim Wilson
Jane Bites Back
by Michael Thomas Ford
Mansfield Park (1999)
Movies to re-watch:
Clueless (1995)
Pride and Prejudice (2006)