Hercule Poirot is in the Conservatory and has taken each person aside for questioning. At present he speaks with Mr Green.
Lady Giada sits nervously on a bench while fanning herself.
Sullivan McPig starts sniffing all the flowers in the conservatory - at least the ones he can reach.
And you, you inspect the variegated roses as you await your turn with M. Poirot.
Out of the corner of your eye you spy: a knife sticking out of the dirt in one of the planter boxes
Things to note about Poirot:
--> Poirot operates as a fairly conventional, clue-based detective, depending on logic, which is represented in his vocabulary by two common phrases: his use of "the little grey cells" and "order and method".
--> Poirot's methods focus on getting people to talk.
--> Poirot is also willing to appear more foreign or vain than he really is in an effort to make people underestimate him.
M. Poirot quits Mr Green and beckons the next person.
Poirot discovered that...
Mr. Green's family is made up of shysters. His dad is a low down thief and his mom tells fortunes wherever and whenever she can. Guess what: she’s not a psychic. Mr. Green found a calling in spirituality. This means he sets up traveling tents and asks people to give him money, which is for the less fortunate people and that means the money is for him. During his travels, “Reverend” Green met and had certain dealings with Mr. Boddy. Did Mr. Boddy have something on the Reverend? -Mr Green bio

Hercule Poirot
on the Masterpiece Mystery!
Three all-new episodes - details here
July 11, 2010 - Murder on the Orient Express
July 18, 2010 - Third Girl
July 25, 2010 - Appointment with Death
*** Poirot Book Giveaway ***

by Agatha Christie
Open to all.
Offer ends: July 31, 2010
TO DO: during dinner event
Spread the word - refer a friend, blog, tweet, facebook, etc about the Mansfield Park dinner event. Tell me in comments what you did along with your email.
-->now that the dinner is done, i shall require something different for post-dinner entries
TO DO: post-dinner event
Comment below with your email and tell me a MYSTERY book (title and author) you've read recently.
Contest has ended - winner is here
* image source Poirot