BBC TV mini-series - 6 episodes
my 1st viewing
Director: John Glenister
Writer: Denis Constanduros
Based on book: by Jane Austen
Rating: 3
Doran Godwin plays Emma Woodhouse
John Carson plays Mr. Knightley
Now that SteamPink week has ended, I am back to blogging for Jane in June. You'll get at least one post a day on something Jane-ish.
Just to recap. For most of this month I will be reviewing a DVD set of BBC TV mini-series of Jane's six published works. The tv series format provides more details than what you would see in a 2-hour movie. However, the special effects, costumes and scenery may not be as great or limited.
I will also just give my blips and bloops about my watching and it will be on the premise that you all know the basic storyline.
A blip:
Hubby thought Emma was despicable. I thought so too for the first 3 episodes. This Emma was not like the light-hearted, fun, character portrayed in the Gwyneth Paltrow movie version in 1996. The 1972 Emma came across really manipulative which was an ugly Emma to me.
Instead of this Emma and Knightley...

A bloop:
I was really taken by...
Ania Marson plays Jane Fairfax
Robert East plays Frank Churchill

* image source Emma and Knightley and Jane
* part of my Jane in June
* make sure to check out the main site for Book Rat's - Jane in June for all the reviews, interviews and giveaways galore!!!