hosted by A Fanciful Twist
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teaser 2: Soulraye's Hut
teaser 3: Tree Top

But her stomach is starting to growwwwl.
Perhaps she should take a swig from her bottle o'blue.

Methinks, being the Mad Hatter, he got caught up with other imaginings and plainly, simply forgot!
*** Alice Book Giveaway ***

edited by Richard Brian Davis
courtesy of John Wiley & Sons
Open to all.
Offer ends June 30, 2010
Comment with your email and tell me...
What is your favorite item to eat while drinking tea?
Contest has ended - winner is here
* special thanks to the daughter, svb, for the use of her fae
* Alice created by Shana of Kreating Insecurities
* image source dormouse sleeping
* image source march hare
* image source Mad Hatter