The butler calls everyone to rejoin in the billiard room where the stage is set.
Lady Lori and Miss Carol of Lenthall Manor and Lady Marjorie scurry forth from the Dining Room. Each with Almond Puffs (maybe two) in hand.
And there behind the grand mixed fruit centerpiece is a glimpse of Lady Violet. Whatever is she doing, sneaking about so?
Not far behind them, coming from the Kitchen is Lady Charlotte and Lady Nevey Berry of Regan Hawkes chatting about the delights of chocolates souffles. However prefers a good cheese souffle.
Countess Juju and Midnight Cowgirl walk down the stairs after a visit to the Powder Room. They look refreshed and sport smiling faces as they speak of the latest London fashions.
Lady Giada rushes forward from the Conservatory to meet Miss Marple. She hands Miss Marple a golden cufflink that she found earlier this evening as they walk. Lady Giada is in awe as Miss Marple gives her opinions on the matter.
The Duchess Throuthehaze lingers in the Conservatory hoping to have a word with Poirot. She has a mystery of her own in which she wanted to consult him about.
In the Lounge, Miss Freda is roused from her steampunk daydreaming by Lady Sarah E's fan lighting tapping her arm. Miss Kallie and Lady Sabrina commend Mary Crawford on her beautiful harp playing. Lady Carol T joins Edmund and Fanny as they proceed downstairs.
Lady Mary Ann quizzes Lady Titania on her knowledge of all things zombie as they leave the Library. Sullivan McPig trails behind them with ears perked.
In the Study, Lady Sharli and Lady Iris Seyton (aka Stella) put the playing cards away. Lady Meredith joins in their conversation and talk of the upcoming books about Darcy.
Lady Mesmered and Sherlock Holmes leave the Study and exchange information about the latest Egyptian finds and all things mummy.
As guests congregate in the Billiard room, the three detectives make their way to the stage.
Seated in the audience is Misté la Marquessa speaking with Lady Vee about the recent surge of Jane Austen this month.
C'est fantastique! Jane in June!
In another part of the room, Lady Lisa R and Miss Louisa Church of Cowanwray Manor (aka Aik) look about the room for suspicious characters. Surely one of Mr Boddy's entourage is involved in this evening's interruption.
Do not proceed if you wish to enter the Edmund Bertram book giveaway. You must enter your guess of who you suspect is the culprit there before reading the conclusion below.
Hercule Poirot takes center stage to greet and address the audience.
And then Sherlock Holmes steps forward...
... upon the results from Dr Watson's examination of the body, we are in agreement.
Holmes then invites Miss Marple to take the spotlight.
... and so we conclude that Mr Boddy has expired due to a heart attack.
He died of fright at the sight of a mummy.
*gasps* and then an uproar emerges from the audience.
Holmes resumes the stage.
Not to worry. We have apprehended the mummy who was found in the kitchen. And he will be dealt with accordingly.
*sighs* and relief ripples through the audience.
Edmund Bertram steps up to the stage and offers profound apologies for any inconvenience or harm done to anyone during this most unfortunate occurrence at Mansfield Park. He expresses his hope that you will again visit Mansfield Park for another event in the future.
* image source Jane Austen mystery