Greetings, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you today to our first Society meeting.
For those of you new to the group, the Society was founded last year, October 2009. Since then we have primarily communicated via our Lovelace devices (if your are reading this, then you own one) with updates from vvb's Steampunk Weeklies posted every Monday.
Our main goal is to share anything and everything to do with steampunk - especially in literature.
It has been a pleasure meeting many of you during our train ride to the World's Fair.
Before we commence with the agenda items, we must attend to some business-related items.
1. Professor Eva McGregor has alerted me that many of you have not yet redeemed your train tickets. Please take the time to do so here to properly enter the train ticket giveaway. Those without tickets can still participate in the SteamPink activities and can enter the other giveaway offers.
2. We have provided individual coach cars for many of the esteemed women in steampunk literature for you to meet. Make sure to note those you would like to get to know better.
3. The Conductor of the train will be handing out surveys regarding this train ride on June 12. It is imperative to submit the completed forms in order to be properly entered into the various giveaways. They will be due June 14 at the hour the carriage turns into a pumpkin.
And lastly, if you have any questions, feel free to enter them in comments.
* part of Jane and Jade Escapades, my steampunk story in which commenters may be incorporated into the story and have guest appearances the following week.