Getting down to some nitty-gritty vampireliciousness...
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
by Evelyn LaFont
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~Do your vampires sparkle?No, other than the odd twinkle in an eyeball, no sparkling occurs in this book. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Which vampire character in literature or film inspire you to write about vampires?I was really inspired by the whole paranormal romance genre. I love the Southern Vampire Mysteries, Casa Dracula, Nice Girls and many other PNR series.
What is another paranormal creature you would select to write a relationship guide for?I gotta go with the weres on this one. But to be honest, I’d love to create guides for every creature. Demons, mermen, angels, fae—all of them!
How did you come up with the idea to write a relationship guide?I was taking a fiction writing course and for one of the assignments, was working on a satirical magazine article about breaking up with your vampire boyfriend. While working on it, I started thinking about how many PNR books stay away from the practicalities of dating a vampire, and I realized how funny it would be to actually talk about them.
Can you tell us a little bit about Josie? What do you think makes her such a relatable character?Josie is relatable because she’s human. She’s fallible, she can’t kick anyone’s ass, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind—but she also isn’t afraid to admit when she’s wrong. I think she’s relatable because she isn’t cartoony, she’s “real.”
Any juicy insights you can share about Gregory and Walker? What makes these sexy vamps tick?Hmmm, well, Gregory is focused on power. He likes having it and exerting it, but he’s old enough to know how to exert his power without mere mortals knowing he is. Walker…Walker is motivated by honesty and reality, and yet—he is a bad boy. It’s an interesting mix.
If you had to choose what scene was your favorite, which would it be and why?This is a hard one, and it actually changes based on my mood on a particular day. Today my favorite scene is when Josie gets home after spending the night with someone and finds she has an unexpected house guest.
There are so many kinds of vampires out there – which would you most like to “hook up” with?This is another one of those questions which will have a different answer on a different day. If my husband were to answer this question for me, I bet he’d say, “One like Eric Northman.” And, okay, I’m not saying he’s wrong… but to be honest, I’m not sure I can handle that level of sexual intensity. That whole serious, growly, eye contact thing—I can’t. I like laughter mixed with confidence and desire more than anything. I think Ian from the Casa Dracula series might have the best combination of all things.
What can we expect from Josie in the future? Any sneak peeks?Josie has now been irrevocably pulled from the comfort of her predictable life. Josie may not be well-learned, but she is adaptable. So expect to see her become more exposed to the real world around her and to adapt to that exposure in her typical Josie way.
What other plans do you have with writing?I have another PNR series planned as well as a chick lit zombie novel. Who knows what I’ll come up with after that :-)
If you could leave one piece of advice to all those seeking the lovin’ of a good vampire, what would it be?I’ve been with my husband since I was 19, so I’m the last person you want to look to for singles advice! I’d tell you to put your hair up in your best scrunchy with your favorite plaid flannel shirt, crank up the new Extreme album and mosh pit your way to love. And man, that is just not timely advice.
Interview post created for Blog Tour of Vampire Relationship Guide, Meeting & Mating, Volume 1 by
Evelyn LaFont © 2011. All rights reserved.
Evelyn Lafont is an author and freelance writer with an addiction to Xanax and a predilection for snark. Her debut novella,
The Vampire Relationship Guide, Volume 1: Meeting and Mating is available on
Barnes and Noble and
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
by Evelyn LaFont
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~next stop on this tour:
Reading Between The Wines Book Club~*~
Vampire Relationship Guide
Meeting & Mating, Volume 1
by Evelyn LaFont--~ Book Giveaway courtesy of author ~--signup to win this book at these blog stops
April 18 –The Wyld Hollow
April 29 – Book Lover’s Hideaway
May 4 – Ramblings Of A Chaotic Mind
May 7 – The Bookish Snob
May 10 – P.S. I Love Books
May 11 – A Chick Who Reads
May 13 – Getting Naughty Between The Stacks
May 14 – Poisoned Rationality
May 15 – Romance Book Junkies
May 16 - Author Evelyn
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The Bookish Snob -Blog Tour: Vampire Relationship Guide, Volume 1 by Evelyn LaFont