Friday, April 8, 2011

Women Wielding Blades: schedule

Women Wielding Blades
a virtual book event
April 8-14, 2011

she moves in mysterious ways
with a blade


during this event

you will be introduced to women

with stealth

with precision

and with mad blade skills

note: more to be revealed and links will go live after posts go up

April 8:
Book List
Giveaway (for 3 winners): Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon
Friday 56: Fury of the Phoenix by Cindy Pon
in Film: Kill Bill
in Witchcraft & giveaway: Trouble with Spells by Lacey Weatherford

April 9:
Giveaway: Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin
in Shopping & giveaway: Vampire Hunter Earrings by NRSVampChick Designs

April 10:
Giveaway: Enclave by Ann Aguirre

April 11:
Giveaway: A Wild Light by Marjorie Liu
Blades: Ai Ling's Dagger by Cindy Pon

April 12:
vvb32 reads guest post at: Not Really Southern Vamp Chick
in Film: Sucker Punch
in Trading Cards: Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin

April 13:
Guest Review from Freda's Voice: Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon
Blades: Knives by Ann Aguirre
Queued Up: Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler
Review: Bite Me by Parker Blue

April 14:
Blades: Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin
Poem-in-Your-Pocket Day: Contemplation Of The Sword
Giveaway: Steel by Carrie Vaughn
Blades: Wanted
End Credits

April 16:
Giveaway: to be revealed during Fairy Tales in Bruges (the sequel) event

May 15:
Giveaways end

May 16:
Announcement: winners for giveaways pt 1

May 23:
Announcement: winners for giveaways pt 2


* image source for event badge from book cover of Fury of the Phoenix by Cindy Pon

Imagination Designs
Images from: Lovelytocu