Before the curtain has gone up for Act 1 of Lovers' Vows, there is a flurry at the doorway upon hearing a scream.
The show has been postponed as we must attend to another matter at hand.
A body.
A dead body has been found.
An investigation will begin in four rooms of Mansfield Park. Each room will house a detective who happen to be part of our distinguished guests this evening - Hercule Poirot, Miss Jane Marple, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.
As the guests are separated into the four rooms, Mrs Norris whispers to you...
Mr. Boddy is a painfully trusting host whose nature is to generously forgive his guests for attempting to commit any crime, including murdering himself. -Boddy bio
*** Clue Book Giveaway ***

by A. E. Parker
First book of 18 in the series
Open to all.
Offer ends: July 31, 2010
In comments leave me your email and tell me:
Have you ever played Clue?
If so, which - the board game or video game?
Also, have you seen the movie?
And what did you think of them?
Contest has ended - winner is here
* image source Mr Boddy