Jane and Jade wrap-up their findings from their latest tour of Africa.
... and so, our journey continued into the Cape of Good Hope. We visited the area where the first largest diamond was found in South Africa.
Now known as the Star of South Africa. This diamond of 83.50 carats formerly belonged to Countess Dudley.
It is now in the hands to JP Morgan who has commissioned Cartier to set it in a brooch.
We plan to visit Cartier to inspect the diamond first-hand. By the way, along with his current production of mystery clocks, Cartier is also currently working with Prof McGregor in creating jewelry with "other purposes" for our Society.
Without much further ado. I will now introduce my sister, Jade.
Amongst the ladies in the audience, Giada raises her hand.
I do declare.
Before we continue, I must mention another steampunk adventure book that I would like to share.

by Emilie P. Bush
Description from the amazon:
When wealth and charm fail, an airship and the gods prevail... Chenda Frost lived as a spectator in her own life until the murder of her recluse war hero husband. Caught in a mystery about her destiny, she boards an airship with Geologist Candice Mortimer for an adventure in the air, across a desert, through a mountain and under the sea. Along the way, she loses everything she's ever known, but gains true friendship and a formidable gift from the gods. A ripping good yarn!
Thank you, Giada. A most interesting find, indeed.
Jade now stands at the podium with a small stack of books.
Good morning ladies! I have three gems that my sister and I discovered while in Africa. These books are rare finds being that steampunk is a relatively new genre that has burst into the scene.
However before we reveal these treasures, we would like for you to vote on where we shall travel next in search of more steampunk books...
South America
Other - you pick the place
Comment below with your answer.
* image source map Africa
* part of Jane and Jade Escapades, my steampunk story in which commenters may be incorporated into the story and have guest appearances the following week.