It is the end of the day and we've made our way to the Lounge car. After my adventure in the Skillet with Alice, hooo-ey, do I need a drink!
What's your poison?
Go to this site and create a name:
Victorian & Steampunk Name Generator
-or create your own name
With the name concoct a drink
- for teetolars, you can make virgin drinks
Here's what I'm going to have...
My drink is basically a mimosa - champagne, fresh squeezed orange juice, touch of grenadine.
*** steampunk book giveaway ***
Open to all.
Offer ends: June 14, 2010
Contest has ended - winner is here
TO DO (2-parts):
1. Create drink name and description and tell me in comments.
2. Complete the 5 question survey which will be posted on the last day of SteamPink week, Saturday, June 12.
* image source absinthe poster
============train tip============
Lounge cars carry a bar and public seating. They usually have benches or large swivelling chairs along the sides of the car. Some lounge cars include small pianos and are staffed by contracted musicians to entertain the passengers.
These cars are often pulled in addition to the dining car, and on very long trains in addition to one or more snack or cafe cars.
Lounge cars are an important part of the appeal of passenger trains when compared to aircraft, buses and cars; there is more space to move around, socialize, eat and drink, and a good view.
- wikipedia