ended June 14, 2010
I will announce a second batch of SteamPink winners on June 30, 2010.
Thanks to all contestants!
I will email winners for mailing addresses.
Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email
or if you are just too darn excited and want to let me know -- like NOW ;-D

Steampunk Challenge giveaway
Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliossoti
and SteamPink necklace
-necklace created and courtesy of Trisha of MarySew
Winner: Lexie of Poisoned Rationality

Train Ticket giveaway
Cold Magic by Kate Elliott
and SteamPink necklace
-book courtesy of author
-necklace created and courtesy of Trisha of MarySew
Winner: Giada

Baggage Car giveaway
Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliossoti
and steampunk mini-hat
-mini-hat created and courtesy of Professor Maelstromme's Steam Lab
(note: this pic is not the actual hat which is being created in the lab as i type)
Winner: Aly of Worthy Cogitations - her book review

Express Car giveaway
The Alchemy of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia
and steampunk doll
-book courtesy of author
-doll created and courtesy of Shana of Kreating Insecurities
Winner: Sullivan McPig of Pearls Cast Before a McPig - her review

Soulless by Gail Carriger
-book courtesy of author
Winner: Mary Ann of Mary Ann DeBorde Writes

Coach Car giveaway
New Blood by Gail Dayton
and steampunk charm
-ARC book copy courtesy of author
-charm created and courtesy of International Charm Day
Winner: Kimberly of Kimberly's Bookshelf

Lounge Car giveaway2
Tangled in Time by Pauline B. Jones
-ebook courtesy of author
-CD courtesy of The Clockwork Dolls
-an end note from Pauline was added in comments for everyone
please visit Coach car: Olivia to read it
Winner: SiNn of † Everyone loves a SiNner †

-books courtesy of author
Winner: Pauline of Perils of Pauline

-book courtesy of author
Winner: Raelena of Throuthehaze Reads

-book courtesy of author
Winner: Carol of Carol's Notebook - her review

-book courtesy of author
Winner: Christa of Words Roll Ever On and On

-book courtesy of author
-an end note from Kate was added in comments for everyone
please visit Coach car: Natalie to read it
Winner: Celia of Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia

-book courtesy of author
Winner: Alessandra of Out of the Blue

-book courtesy of author
Winner: Stella of Ex Libris

-ebook courtesy of author
-an end note from Nathalie was added in comments for everyone
please visit Coach car: Laurel to read it
please visit Coach car: Violet to read it
Winner: Terry of Ciar Cullen

comics -prize courtesy of author
Winner: Ophelia of Karissa's Reading Review

-ebook courtesy of author
Winners: everyone!
Ciar says go to Smashwords to get it for FREE - (no expire date)! --oops no longer available as of 7.15.10
* if not this time, maybe next time
* SUPER thanks to authors for their participation with guest posts and giveaways!!!!
--> check out the current giveaways and upcoming events on my sidebar
Freebies for you:
please pickup these goodies if you haven't already...
Time Traveler by Calista Taylor (short story)
Steamside Chronicles by Ciar Cullen (ebook)
Bookmark from Pauline B. Jones
Steampunk Magazine