You are in the cab of the Devonian Express - the heart and brains of the train.
Cogs, gauges, rods, valves, bearing, switches, etc. surround you.
Here is where you will find out how to participate in this week's SteamPink festivities.
Coach Cars:
You will be introduced to various steampunk characters and corresponding books as well as author guest posts in various coach cars.
Some of these will include my two bits reviews and others will have review posts later in the month.
Keep tabs on the books of interest so that you can let me know which ones you like on the survey posted on June 12.
Special Cars:
There are 5 SteamPink giveaways that you can enter this week to win a steampunk book.
Each giveaway requires 2-3 parts to complete to be eligible.
Each giveaway offers a steampunk book featured this week.
Train Ticket giveaway - steampunk book & necklace
Baggage Car giveaway - steampunk book & hat
Express Car giveaway - steampunk book & doll
Lounge Car giveaway - steampunk book
Coach Car giveaway - steampunk book & charm
Lounge Car giveaway2 - steampunk book & CD
Blogosphere giveaway - from Quirk
Blogosphere giveaway - from Steampunk Magazine
Interact in comments as yourself or character persona of your creation. I'll respond there too.
The Backstory:
Basically the mentions of the Society, Meeting and the World's Fair relate to an e-fiction, Jane and Jade Escapades, that sometimes appear in my Steampunk Weekly on Mondays in which people who comment may appear in the next week's installment. Read the past entries here.
Jane and Jade are sisters who travel in an airship called the Tiny Bubble. They have interactions and adventures in a steampunk world.
Another character you may encounter is Professor Eva McGregor who is a gizmologist and engineer who lives in Scotland.
* a couple easter egg giveaways based on participation - will be revealed on winner's post
* image source boiler back plate