July 9-17, 2010
an interactive virtual event
SteamBoyz = YA steampunk stories with YA male protagonists
Teaser 1: SteamBoyz in July
Teaser 2: Clockwork Angel cover contest & blogosphere giveaways
Teaser 3: IMM
Teaser 4: Steampunk Weekly
Teaser 5: Dreaming Books
Teaser 6: Leviathan dress & blogosphere giveaways
Teaser 7: IMM
W E L C O M E !
Jane and Jade are making preparations for their latest voyage. They have agreed to take on some passengers for the journey to South America.
Spectators can send transmissions to them via comments or simply sit back and view the adventure through your Lovelace devices.
As with all events, treasures may be found along the way that participants can attempt to claim.
Alright, put away the parasols and adjust your goggles...
FYI: There will be 2-5 posts per day posted between 5am - 12pm PDT.
Feel free to check in every couple hours or at the end of the day.
Schedule of events:
details and links will be filled in after posted
per usual links are also on the sidebar
July 9, 2010 - Friday
Giveaway: SteamBoyz steampunk challenge
Tiny Bubble aka Bulla Parvula
July 10, 2010 - Saturday
Status Report
Mobile City: Worldshaker by by Richard Harland
Review: Worldshaker by Richard Harland
Giveaway: Cecelia Bedelia
July 11, 2010 - Sunday
~~ intermission ~~ In My Mailbox
Biological Airship: Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld (with review from Giada)
Report: Italy - Leviathan
July 12, 2010 - Monday
New Passenger: Freda
Giveaway: Society of Unrelenting Vigilance - Candle Man by Glenn Dakin
Report: Japan - guest post by author Glenn Dakin
Review: Candle Man by Glenn Dakin
Society of Dread
July 13, 2010 - Tuesday
Report: France
Tiny Bubble: Submerge
Under the Sea: Knights of the Sea by Paul Marlowe
Giveaway: Octo Pulley doll & Larklight by Philip Reeve
July 14, 2010 - Wednesday
Report: Turkey
HMS Jupiter
Giveaway: Sky Mail - Ginny's card & Thomas Riley by Nick Valentino
Review: Thomas Riley by Nick Valentino
July 15, 2010 - Thursday
Giveaway: Bit of Steampink
Aurora: Airborn by Kenneth Oppel
Review by Lexie: Airborn by Kenneth Oppel
Still Under the Sea: The Choir Boats by Daniel A. Rabuzzi
July 16, 2010 - Friday
Tiny Bubble: Surface
At Sea Level: Secrets of the Fire Sea by Stephen Hunt
Rambling House: Larklight by Philip Reeve
Review: Larklight by Philip Reeve
July 17, 2010 - Saturday
Lovelace device: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
Podcast: The Gearheart by Alex White
Tiny Bubble: Birth of a Bubble
July 18, 2010 - Sunday
~~ intermission ~~ In My Mailbox
Tiny Bubble: Skyward
Land, ho! - End credits and acknowledgments
July 19, 2010 - Monday
Giveaway: Epilogue: Monkey Coloring Book by Chet Phillips
Announcement: Cecelia Bedelia's giveaway winner
July 21, 2010 - Wednesday
Announcement: giveaway winners
August 3, 2010
Announcement: giveaway winner
August 2010
Announcement: Stormi's giveaway winner
-->coming in December, Old Skewl Steampunk

Airborn by Kenneth Oppel
Candle Man by Glenn Dakin
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
Larklight by Philip Reeve
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Thomas Riley by Nick Valentino
WorldShaker by Richard Harland
In addition:
Knights of the Sea by Paul Marlowe
The Choir Boats by Daniel A. Rabuzzi
Secrets of the Fire Sea by Stephen Hunt
Sinister Simians by Chet Phillips
* image for button from Vecona
* image source sky pirate from Vecona