Exciting news!
The Tiny Bubble will accommodate guests for this Jane and Jade excursion.
Society members who were part of the Devonian Express meeting in June have volunteered to join the steampunk expedition.
Lexie and Giada have already boarded the airship and situate themselves inside. Because they feel a bit peckish, they brew some tea and prepare cucumber sandwiches.
Throuthhaze struggles with luggage at McGregor castle. Maybe one or two pieces to take and the rest can be left behind? But they carry many books -- Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, YA Fantasy, and Historical Romance. Some also are newly received from a recent birthday. Eva reassures her that they will be in safekeeping at the castle.
Stella happily swings her bag as she walks across the field in the warm sun towards the launch site. She carries a couple paranormal romance books in her bag because July is Spotlight on Paranormal Romance Month at her site, Ex Libris.
Aly is about to climb the rope ladder to board the Tiny Bubble which sways gently in the wind. She puts an extra pin in her new hat before grasping the ladder.
Sullivan McPig is carried aboard by his owner. His zombie book collection is in a truck that they will be hoisted up by pulley.
If these guest passengers have a moment, they may leave their thoughts in comments.
And if you wish, you may bid them a Bon Voyage in comments.
Perchance, comments may earn +1 entry towards the steampunk challenge.
* image source Vecona