art by Keith Thompson
Giada wraps up her report with details on the second book in the Scott Westerfeld series...

by Scott Westerfeld
Release date: October 6, 2010
Scott reveals the new cover at his site and hints about a future Behemoth westerfeldii ;-D
Excerpt of interview of Scott Westerfeld on cover art with Suvudu:
S: The US cover for Behemoth is gorgeous, especially the greens. Did you have any input into it? And will Keith Thompson be reprising his role as interior artist, supplying those beautiful images we saw in Leviathan?
SW: Yes, Keith is doing the interiors again, except this time there are 55 instead of 50. A ten percent bonus! Also, we're doing a few double-page spreads for the first time, and a whole new set of color end papers. So like Leviathan, but moreso.
Another cool thing about Behemoth is that we get to see Clanker Istanbul, which has its own levantine steampunk style. The Ottomans use machines, but in the shapes of animals (giant mechanical elephants! The Sultan's falcon-beaked airyacht!). And I know it doesn't sound drool-worthy, but Keith's tiled floors are amazing.
As for the cover, I do have consultation, but it's mostly the publisher's job. They have a sales force who talk to booksellers every day, and who know what sells and what doesn't. In a way, the cover is the single biggest advertisement for the book, and advertising isn't my forte. I wouldn't WANT too much control. read the rest of the interview here
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