The spyglass gets passed to Throuthehaze and this is what she sees through the port side window...

A Rousing Tale of Dauntless Pluck
in the Farthest Reaches of Space
by Philip Reeve - my review
illustrated by David Wyatt
Description from the amazon:
Arthur (Art) Mumsby and his irritating sister Myrtle live with their father in a huge and rambling house called Larklight… that just happens to be traveling through outer space. When a visitor called Mr. Webster arrives for a visit, it is far from an innocent social call. Before long Art and Myrtle are off on an adventure to the furthest reaches of space, where they will do battle with evil forces in order to save each other—and the universe. A fantastically original Victorian tale set in an outer space world that might have come from the imaginations of Jules Verne or L Frank Baum, but has a unique gravitational pull all its own…
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