After landing in a small town on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, the crew and passengers of the Tiny Bubble are greeted with a cacophony of steampunk birds in song.
Jane surveys the area with her spyglass while Jade goes through the ministrations of anchoring the Tiny Bubble.
The passengers make ready to depart the vessel for exploration of the new surroundings.
In the trees lining the field, Jane spies movement.
A monkey.
A steampunk monkey.

Monkey Coloring Book Pages
at Nerd Approved

Sinister Simians
at Chet Phillips

Written and illustrated by Chet Phillips
Description from Chet's etsy site:
"The Society of Sinister Simians" explores the mysterious world of an evil collection of vicious and power hungry primates that held sway over the land centuries ago. Thanks to the efforts of the ill-fated Sourcrust archeological dig of 1887, details of this foul organization have finally come to light. In this book you will learn of The Society's immortal leader, his powerful and brutal cadre of ministers and advisors as well as a variety of assassins, spies, soldiers and frightful supernatural figures.

hmmmmmmmmmm, do we dare leave the safety of the Tiny Bubble?
Mayhaps, we should pull out some items from the weapons locker...
R E M I N D E R: Last day to signup for giveaways and to submit links for the steampunk challenge.
*** Steampunk book giveaway ***
Feel like a bit of coloring do you...
Break out your crayons when you win a copy of...

by Chet Phillips
TO DO (3-parts):
Open to all.
Offer ends July 31, 2010
1. Read and comment on Tiny Bubble: Birth of a Bubble
2. Read and comment on Tiny Bubble: Skyward
3. Comment below with your email and tell me:
What steampunk weapon would you take from the weapons locker before departing the Tiny Bubble?
+ 1 point for brief description
i.e. what does it look like? what does it do?
+ 1 point for a link to a picture of the weapon
i.e. the Apache --> Bayonet + Brass Knuckles + Handgun
Contest has ended - winner is here
* image source Bird orchestra