For your convenience, I wanted to send this Agenda out early for those of you who like to plan ahead...
Don't miss anything! Sign up to receive posts via email on my sidebar.
FYI: There will be 3-4 posts per day posted between 5am - 12pm PDT.
Teaser 1: Invitation and RSVP
Teaser 2: In My Mailbox
Teaser 3: Dreaming Books
Schedule of events:
more details and links will be filled in after posted
per usual links are also on the sidebar
July 28, 2010 Wednesday
Agenda: Schedule
Giveaway: Joan Holloway puppet
July 29, 2010 Thursday
Memo: Mad Men in-a-nutshell
Giveaway: Mad Men and Philosophy edited by Rod Carveth
America in the 60s
July 30, 2010 Friday
Giveaway: A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style by Tim Gunn
Book Fashion: The Group by Mary McCarthy
Meet: Kreating Insecurities
Giveaway: Mad Men doll
July 31, 2010 Saturday
Memo: Peggy
Memo: Summer Reading
August 1, 2010 Sunday
Memo: Spiel
Credits: Last chance - Giveaway offers end
August 3, 2010 Tuesday
Announcement: giveaway winners
--> Join my Mad Men Reading Challenge
Book(s) featured with giveaway:

edited by Rod Carveth - my review
edited by James B. South
Series Editor: William Irwin
prize courtesy of publisher, Wiley
giveaway here

by Tim Gunn
giveaway here
Other books mentioned:
Searching for the Meaning of Life on a Branded Planet
by James P. Othmer
Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook
by James Stroman
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Best of Everything
by Rona Jaffe
Confessions of an Advertising Man
by David Ogilvy
The Fashion File:
Advice, Tips, and Inspiration
from the Costume Designer of Mad Men
by Janie Bryant
The Feminine Mystique
Betty Friedan
The Group
by Mary McCarthy
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
by Edward Gibbon
Kings of Madison Avenue:
The Unofficial Guide to Mad Men
by Jesse McLean
Mad Men Unbuttoned:
A Romp Through 1960s America
by Natasha Vargas-Cooper
Meditations in an Emergency
by Frank O’Hara