ended July 19, 2010
during the SteamBoyz event
Thanks to all contestants!
The internet true random numbers service, Random.org,
has revealed the winners...
I will email winners for mailing addresses.
Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email
or if you are just too darn excited and want to let me know -- like NOW ;-D

book from me
necklace courtesy of JanDa Jewelry
Winner: Titania of Fishmuffins of Doom
Book chosen by winner: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

by Glenn Dakin
book courtesy of author and Egmont USA
Winner: Aly of Worthy Cogitations

book from vvb
doll courtesy of Kreating Insecurities
Winner: Giada
Answers revealed:
1. Read Tiny Bubble - Bulla Parvula and tell me:
What is the color of the outer layer of the Tiny Bubble's balloon?
2. Read Tiny Bubble - Submerge and tell me:
How long does it take the Tiny Bubble's silk balloon to be stowed back into its locker?
-->15 minutes
3. Read the Report: Japan and tell me:
What is the the Ghost Hole?
-->a secret space underneath Tokyo that predated any known excavations
4. Visit Shana's etsy site and tell me:
Who did Poor Prince Charming kiss?
-->Princess’s cousin twice removed!

book from vvb
card courtesy of GinnyLou Studio
Winner: Raelena of Throuthhaze Reads

The Clockwork Three
by Matthew Kirby (signed ARC)
Winner (at Cecelia's): Freda of Freda's Voice
2nd Book chosen by winner: Boneshaker by Cherie Priest

by Kenneth Oppel
Winner (complimentary): Lexie of Poisoned Rationality
- her book review
Freebie for all:

free ebook download
-ends July 31, 2010
* if not this time, maybe next time
--> check out the current giveaways and upcoming events on my sidebar