Eva, Jane and Jade looked down at the note from Cartier to confirm the location. They reached car 6 of the Devonian Express.
I do hope we are in time... Jane whispered.
Jade pushed the cart with the most decadent treat atop.
Eva walked ahead and peeked into the dome car to make sure vvb was seated in the designated location.
4 Eggs
3 oz. Flour
Pinch of salt
6 oz. Of caster sugar
A few drops of lemon essence
A pinch of grated nutmeg
3 oz. Of desiccated coconut
Beat up the yolks of eggs and the sugar to a thick froth.
Dry the flour and mix it together with salt and grated nutmeg.
Stir the flour into the yolks of the eggs, add the finely chopped cocoanut, and then beat the whites of the egg to a stiff froth and stir them in lightly .
Add a few drops of lemon essence (about ½ teaspooonful) and put the mixture, about 1 inch thick, into a tin lined with greased paper .
Bake in a quick oven for about ½ hour, or until the cake is firm when pressed.
Turn if on to a sieve to cool.
Decorate with royal icing and more desiccated coconuts, until the cake is fully covered in white.
Insert a lovely tree branche with beautiful leaves in the center of the cake, before the icing hardens.
And don’t forget the birthday candles !
The Royal Icing
2 large egg whites, or more to thin icing
4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar, or more to thicken icing
1 lemon, juiced
Beat the whites until stiff but not dry.
Add sugar and lemon juice; beat for 1 minute more.
If icing is too thick, add more egg whites; if it is too thin, add more sugar.
The icing may be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
vvb !
*guest post by The Book On The Hill
Original Recipes from Knowledge of London (Victorian Cocoanut Sponge Cake) and Martha Stewart (Royal Icing)
Illustration by Mr Illustrator
============train tip============
A dome car can include features of a lounge car, dining car and an observation. A portion of the car, usually in the center of the car, is split between two levels, with stairs leading both up and down from the train's regular passenger car floor level. The lower level of the dome usually consisted of a small lounge area, while the upper portion was usually coach or lounge seating within a "bubble" of glass on the car's roof.
Passengers in the upper portion of the dome were able to see in all directions from a vantage point above the train's roofline. On some dome cars, the lower portion was built as a galley, where car attendants used dumbwaiters to transfer items between the galley and a dining area in the dome portion of the car.
Some dome cars were built with the dome extending the entire length of the car, while others had only a small observation bubble. There were also combination dome-observation cars built which were meant to be the last car on the train, with both rear observation and the dome up top.
- wikipedia