After the last call, the Devonian Express pulls out of the last train station in Scotland and goes full steam ahead to London. Non-stop.
The Conductor will be going through the cars to collect your tickets. Please redeem them to be eligible to win:

Steampunk Train Necklace
created by Trisha of MarySew
*** Steampunk book & necklace giveaway ***
Open to all with tickets.
Offer ends: June 14, 2010
Contest has ended - winner is here
TO DO (2-parts):
1. Redeem ticket - in comments tell me your ticket number.
If you don't have a ticket, no problem. You can enter the other giveaways to win a steampunk book.
2. Complete the 5 question survey which will be posted on the last day of SteamPink week, Saturday, June 12.
Tickets === Holders
h --1 Elizabeth
a --1 Christa
p --1 Mary Ann
p --2 Sullivan McPig
y --1 Darlyn
b --1 Celia
r --1 Stella
t --1 Titania
h --2 Marjorie
d --1 Carol
a --2 Freda
y --2 Throuthehaze
v --1 Misty, Nastassia
v --2 Charlotte
b --2 Kelly
m --1 Giada M.
a --4 Ophelia
n --2 Nina
! --1 Michelle
x --1 Carrie
x --2 Brizmus
x --3 Kimberly H
o --4 Aik
* image source Full Steam Ahead painting