zombies still coming in...

by Mark Henry - my review
giveaway from author is here

by Nancy Holzner - my review
giveaway from author is here

by Lori Devoti - my review
giveaway from author is here

by John A. Allen - my review
giveaway from author is here
For review and giveaway:

by Lori Handeland - my review
giveaway from author is here

by Meljean Brook
courtesy of author
(zombies within)
On its way for review and giveaway:

comic book
by Tom Taylor and Skye Ogden
giveaway from publisher is here
* per usual, check out the sidebar for my current giveaways to you
* image from Leafcutter Designs - world's smallest postal service
* In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren and inspired by Pop Culture Junkie. A post where we share books acquired via mailbox, library, store, etc.
with links to posts and giveaways from the other Zombiettes