by Mark Henry
Description from the amazon:
Seattle. One minute you're drinking a vanilla breve, the next, some creepy old dude is breathing on you, turning you into a zombie. And that's just for starters. Now, the recently deceased Amanda Feral is trying to make her way through Seattle's undead scene with style (mortuary-grade makeup, six-inch stilettos, Balenciaga handbag on sale) while satisfying her craving for human flesh (Don't judge. And no, not like chicken.) and decent vodkatinis.
Making her way through a dangerous world of cloud-doped bloodsuckers, reapers, horny and horned devils, werewolves, celebrities, and PR-obsessed shapeshifters--not to mention an extremely hot bartender named Ricardo--isn't easy. And the minute one of Amanda's undead friends disappears after texting the word, "help" (The undead--so dramatic!) she knows the afterlife is about to get really ugly.
Something sinister is at hand. Someone or something is hellbent on turning Seattle's undead underworld into a place of true terror. And this time, Amanda may meet a fate a lot worse than death...
TO DO (3-parts):

How do you Save Amanda Feral?
Amanda needs your help.
She's going out on the town to kick some butt and needs a fashion consult.
She wants to know...
1. Take a look in your closet and suggest an outfit for her.
She's a fashionable gal, so no sweats or gym wear (please).
2. And, accessories are a must.
What would go with your outfit suggestion?
(can include weaponry)
3. Also, sign guestbook (if you haven't already).
Contest has ended - winner is here
* Go vote for your team -- Zombies or Unicorns