While in Bruges last week here on vvb32 reads, we encountered many unicorns...
Freda saw the one above.
E(D)U saw this one...

Catarina saw this one...

Carlos saw this one

Darlyn saw this one...

Joana saw this one...

MarySew saw many but here's one...

Linda saw this one...

Midnight Cowgirl saw this one...

Chas saw this one...

Antonia saw this one...

Gonçalo saw this one...

Susana saw this one...

Aik saw this one...

Open to all.
Offer ends: September 30, 2010
TO DO (2-parts):
1. Sign guestbook (if you haven't already).
2. Tell me a Unicorn joke.
Contest has ended - winner is here
* Go vote for your team -- Zombies or Unicorns