Received from Deadtown...
by Nancy Holzner
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
Tina: Okay, Nancy, now I get to ask you some questions. So how come I’m not the main character in Deadtown? I mean, Vicky’s got an interesting life and all, but come on. Who wouldn’t want to read about a teenage zombie apprentice demonslayer? Seriously.
NH: You didn’t even show up until I was halfway through the first draft. Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s important to be on time?
Tina: Wait. Are you saying you weren’t going to put me in at all?
NH: I didn’t even know about you. But once you showed up, you were . . . how should I put it . . . impossible to ignore. You pushed your way into the very first chapter.
Tina: First paragraph, you mean.
NH: True.
Tina: So what’s your favorite thing about me as a character?
NH: Well, you’re not shy. As soon as you enter a scene I know something, um, interesting is going to happen.
Tina: You mean like when I followed Vicky into that client’s dream?
NH: Yeah. And then you blasted the client’s mother with a flamethrower and set his dreamscape on fire.
Tina: Oh, right. Well, I think this interview is over. Thanks for talking with me! Byeee!
Interview from Tina by Nancy Holzner
Based on character from Deadtown. © 2009. All rights reserved.
by Nancy Holzner
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~

by Nancy Holzner
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Note: if you asked Tina a question on the giveaway post, head back over to the comments and read her answers. if you did not ask Tina a question you still might want to head over there because you may be interested in reading more about this zombie from Deadtown...
with links to posts and giveaways from the other Zombiettes===