Show a little zombie love in words or pictures and you can win...

by Lori Devoti
(prize courtesy of author)
(pick your color)
Size is mass market
(prize courtesy of Lovin' & Livin' Life in the 808)
2 winners
Open to all.
Offer ends: September 30, 2010
TO DO (4-parts):
1. Sign guestbook (if you haven't already).
2. Read Mary's post on Zombies in Art and Literature and leave her a comment (if you haven't already).
3. Pick out a title from Mary's list and create something with it as a theme.
a description for the imaginary book
an imaginary scene
poem or haiku (you know i love 'em)
picture (send me link to an appropriate one or email your creation - vvb32 at yahoo.com)
4. Also tell me which color book jacket you would like if you win - pink or black?
Here's my sample:
Title selected from Mary's list: Dorian's Turned Gray

View contestant entries here.
Contest has ended - winner is here
* image source i heart zombies
with links to posts and giveaways from the other Zombiettes===