Review from Mortal Sinn
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Burning Up
By Angela Knight
Nalini Singh
Virginia Kantra
Meljean Brook
I was given this book to review for my honest opinion of the book written these are my own thoughts I hope you give it a shot despite what I may or may not say about the book. My opinion may not be your own.
Reading this book was a privilege and a pleasure at first I was a little skeptical mainly because I don’t read a whole lot of anthologies but this one I couldn’t put down.
Whisper Of Sin by Nalini Singh
As read on the back cover. New in Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling Series is Whisper Of Sin, In Which a woman in lethal danger finds an unlikely protector-and lover- in a volitile member of the Dark River Pack.
Miss Singh did it again with her changelings I felt as if I was actually there and could feel some of the rage that Emmett felt. Emmett’s tenderness and love and loyalty showed from the very beginning every page all I could think was wow Ria is lucky. I can relate with Ria because well she is sassy and smart and definitely all woman who knows what she wants. The characters in this book and in all of Miss Singh’s books are not only special but you can relate to them on a personal level. The characters are raw and have real emotions and totally sexy in the deep down more then skin deep way. These characters were worth the read I hope to see more of them in up coming stories maybe.
The story takes place in 2072 and by now shape shifters and such are all to common the pack that is protecting San Francisco have to show up and coming gangs and other shifters that its there territory and they are there to stay. Was a fast paced and a great read. Awesome job Nalini!
Blood and Roses by Angela Knight
As read on the back cover. In Angela knight's Blood and Roses, A vampire warrior and his seductive cazptor join forces to stop a traitor from unleashing an army of demonic predators on their kingdom.
Miss Knight's Work is new to me but this story was rather good. At first was a slow start for me to really get in to but once I got in to the story it was one I couldnt put down either. The vividness of the fight scenes were great. The depiction of the Veril intheir lizard like form were great. I totally hated Korban his arrogance. His blood thristy greed was sickening and I was happy when he got his rewards in the end.
Amaris and Raniero were true heros of the kingdom they protected but also totheir family and each other. The steam and passion between them was vivid from the very first and was definitely sexy. And hope to see more of little Marin in future books.
The story is about a woman held captive and haven to do what she really doesnt wanna do to save her home and family she meets a hero in his own right and together they set out to right the wrongs done but a traitor in their midst. I will definitely be reading more of Angela Knight's work.
Shifting Sea by Virginia Kantra
As read on the back of the book. Virginia Kantra Continues the haunting tales of the Children of the Sea in Shifting Sea , the story of a wounded soldier rescues by a strange and enigmatic young woman.
Virginia Kantra is a new to me author. I am not all to sure how I feel about this story. I liked it but it was too quick I think. It was beautifully told full of passion, love and heart ache all wrapped in one. I look forward to reading Morgan's story tho from the quick snippet his story takes place long after Morwenna and Jack's love affair began and possibly ended ?? I am not sure but I look forward to reading more of Miss Kantras's work to find out.
This story takes place when a soldier comes back from war in scotland in 1813, to take over the lands his cousin left him upon his death. Jack meets a woman who was more then meets the eye. Morwenna is part of the sea and the fin folk. They had to build trust and come to understand love and forgiveness.
Here There Be Monsters by Meljean Brook
As read on the back of the book. Meljean Brook Launches a bold new steampunk series with Here There Be Monsters, as a desperate woman strikes a provocative - and terrifying - bargain to gain overseas passage.
Meljean wrote an awesome story I couldn't put it down. The terror Ivy felt I could feel as she was fleeing from her rooms the fog and the scenery was just great. The love that Eben felt from the very beginning showed threw even when he was trying to be hard and not at all like a soft man but a pirate his reputation would like to let people believe. Yasmeen was a great secondary charctor as well as Barker and Duckie. This has been one of the best steampunk books or stories I have read so far if you haven't read any be sure to do so you wont be disappointed.
This story was set in England after the horde was defeated and the new world was being rebuilt Ivy went to Eben for help and found so much more even though it took a long road to get where they ended up.
Over all Burning Up was a great read would definitely be recommending this book to everyone I know. Pick up these wonderful authors at a book store near you or support your local libary and have them get a copy either way reading any of these ladies work will definitely not disappoint you.
Review from Mortal Sinn
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* submitted for the Iron Seas series challenge - you are welcome to join anytime