I thought I would take a moment to give you a brief history of September Zombies.
This event was a week-long event held for the first time at vvb32 reads last year. The main focus was on zombies in YA literature.
You can view the schedule for September Zombies 2009 at its original site.
But what triggered the zombie madness?
The release of Never Slow Dance with a Zombie by E. Van Lowe was the zombie that bit me.
A story of teens and zombies in a high school setting. My kind of light-weight zombies. Yes, I admit. I like the frou frou and campy kind ;-D
With the announcement of my event, I was lucky enough to be contacted by the super cool, zombiemeister of Never Slow Dance, Mr. E. Van Lowe. It was exciting to collaborate with an author on my first big blog event!
I had such a blast last year that I decided to hold September Zombies again. It was going to be another week of zombie fun. But then fellow blogger, Titania of Fishmuffins of Doom commented on my September Zombies teaser post only going to be a week? Well, that statement got me a'thinkin.
And, voila!
A week turned into a month!
And, I gained a Zombiette.
In fact, I gots me 5 Zombiettes! And they rock!
Cecilia of the epic rat
Lexie of Poisoned Rationality
Misty of Book Rat
Titania of Fishmuffins of Doom
And, the zombies presented in books this year are from the YA realm and beyond.
And, I gots me some brains to deliver by way of guest author posts, guest fellow-blogger posts and guest sponsors.
Anyhooooo, I hope you're enjoying the month of zombies so far.
cheerios and happy reads,
To celebrate the extraordinary moment of getting bitten by the zombie bug...

by E. Van Lowe
Open to all.
Offer ends: September 30, 2010
TO DO (3-parts):
1. Sign guestbook (if you haven't already).
2. Visit E's blog and leave him a comment.
3. Come back here and tell me a zombie joke. you knew this one was coming ;-D
Contest has ended - winner is here
with links to posts and giveaways from the other Zombiettes