Mini-Review from Giada
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Burning Up
By Angela Knight
Nalini Singh
Virginia Kantra
Meljean Brook
Here There Be Monsters by Meljean Brook
Here there be monsters by Meljean Brook is a wonderfully written short story, part of the anthology Burning Up and prequel to The Iron Duke. I have read various anthologies, but I haven’t had any favorite till now.
We all know it is very hard to write a short story that can be compared to a real book. But Meljean did a superb job.
Here there be monsters is a fantastic steampunk romance in an alternate Victorian setting complete with sexy pirate and strong heroine. In my opinion this is a perfect mix and I can’t wait to get my hands on The Iron Duke.
Contraindication: Meljean addiction. It is inadvisable to read this short story if you don’t already own your copy of The Iron Duke.
Review from Giada
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* submitted for the Iron Seas series challenge
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