by Scott Nicholson
Jack Kilborn
Jonathan Maberry
illustrated by Derlis Santacruz
Published: 2010
Genre: Short Stories, Zombies
Rating: 4
Description from the amazon:
A collection of eight zombie short stories from best-selling author Scott Nicholson. Includes two stories from "The Best of All Flesh" series, as well as the original post-apocalypse story "A Farewell to Arms" written especially for this volume.
Also includes a short story from Jack Kilborn (ENDURANCE) and a "Zombie Apocalypse Survival Scorecard" from Jonathan Maberry (PATIENT ZERO, ROT AND RUIN.)
fyi: available on kindle for $2.99
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): love hunger
These zombie shorts are of a more serious nature than the campy kind.
I was taken with the story, Murdermouth which takes place in a carnival setting. You get the viewpoints of carnies, guests and a zombie.
The other interesting gem in this collection is the presentation of different zombie modes by Jonathan Maberry.
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