Welcome to a month of October Trix-n-Treatz!
I will present some scary and some not-so-scary books and oddities that are sure to delight.
I shall also take you on another Alice adventure later in the month. She will journey into Wereland and meet Sheila's pack who many of you met during Werewolf Weekend in April.
Don't miss anything! Sign up to receive posts via email on my sidebar.
FYI: There will be 2+ posts per day posted between 5am - 3pm PDT.
More details and links below will be filled in after posted.
Per usual, giveaway links are also on the sidebar which all end on October 31, 2010.
September 23: Thrills
September 27: Note
September 28: Letter
September 29: Witches
October 1, Friday
Guestbook: Bones
Giveaway: Tent 1 - Meet Tom Thumb & Bartholomew Fortuno
Tent 2: Meet Monster
Tent 3: Unicorn Pegasus Kitten
Giveaway: Carnivale - Crowd - Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits and other curious things
October 2, 2010 , Saturday
Tent 4: Seance
Haunted: Kindle
Giveaway: Werewolves - A Safe Harbor by Moira Rogers
Giveaway: Review - Selling Hope by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
October 3, 2010 , Sunday
In My Mailbox: some appetizer treatz
Carousel: Music - Nox Arcana
Giveaway: Review - Thinks and Things by Crystal Johnson
Show: Things You Think
October 4, 2010 , Monday
Giveaway: Last Carnival Ride with a bit of steampunk - Portrait of a Killer by Patricia Cornwell
October 5, 2010 , Tuesday
Mystery solved: September Zombies winners revealed
October 6, 2010 , Wednesday
Giveaway: Pumpkin Bars - A Catered Halloween by Isis Crawford
Trix: Woman in White
Treatz: Scoop to Kill by Wendy Lyn Watson
October 7, 2010 , Thursday
Giveaway: Deadly Daggers by Joyce and Jim Lavene
Trix: Mr Croup and Mr Vandemar
October 8, 2010 , Friday
Giveaway: Kiddie Bag
Treatz: Gargoyle
Giveaway: StudyTrain by Kurt Frenier
October 9, 2010 , Saturday
Giveaway: Strangeling
Trix: WereRaven
Treatz: Mystic Eye
Giveaway: InJane by Douglas K. Pearson
October 10, 2010 , Sunday
In My Mailbox: more treatz
Giveaway: Thank You For The Flowers by Scott Nicholson
Trix: Rusty Spoons
Giveaway: Gemini Night by Bonnie Hearn Hill
October 11, 2010 , Monday
Steampunk: Jane and Jade Escapades (continued)
Treatz: Witches
Giveaway: more Witches - October Girls: Crystal & Bone by L.C. Glazebrook
Giveaway: Vampires - A Whisper Of Blood by Ellen Datlow
October 12, 2010 , Tuesday
Trix: Haunted House - Dr Viiiii
Giveaway: Get Spooky Challenge
Treatz: House of Dead Maids
Giveaway: Deception by Lee Nichols
October 13, 2010 , Wednesday
Treatz: Portraits
Trix: The Bathtub
Giveaway: Door 13 - Troubled by Scott Nicholson
Review: The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall by Mary Downing Hahn
Trix: Strange Men
October 14, 2010 , Thursday
Trix: Sadako
PeekAbook: She Smells The Dead by E.J. Stevens
Giveaway: Intrinsical by Lani Woodland
October 15, 2010 , Friday
Announcement: Winners for Zombie Showdown and some October Trix-n-Treatz
Trix: Ghost Orchid: a mystery of love, lies & redemption by D.K. Christi
Giveaway: Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown
October 16, 2010 , Saturday
Giveaway: In The Manor of Ghost by Tina Pinson
Giveaway: The Lab - Anti-Comet Pills
Trix: Unholy Ghosts: Downside Ghosts by Stacia Kane
October 17, 2010 , Sunday
In My Mailbox - more treatz
Giveaway: The Wedding Gift by Kathleen McKenna
Treatz: The Writing Life by Scott Nicholson
October 18, 2010 , Monday
Treatz: DailyLit - Ghost stories and Horror
Treatz: Skullvines
Giveaway: Steampunk - The Half-Made World by Felix Gilman
Trix: Finally Dr Viiiii
October 19, 2010 , Tuesday
Giveaway: Alice Prize Pack
Alice meets WereDog
Alice meets WereBees
Alice meets WereBear
The WerePumpkin
October 20, 2010 , Wednesday
Giveaway: The Ghost Hunter by Lori Brighton
Alice in Wereland
Wereland Creatures
Advice for Alice
October 21, 2010 , Thursday
Queen of Hearts
Alice meets WereCat
Alice at Tea Time
Giveaway: Wolf Signs by Vivian Arend
October 22, 2010 , Friday
Alice meets MethWolf
Alice meets Sheila's Pack
Giveaway: Review - Cry Sanctuary by Moira Rogers
Giveaway: Silver Kiss by Naomi Clark
Other Werewolves: The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks
October 23, 2010 , Saturday
Alice meets WerePuss
Alice meets WereDragon
Review: They Call Me Death by Missy Jane
Review: Gemini Night by Bonnie Hearn Hill
October 24, 2010 , Sunday
In My Mailbox: more treatz
Alice meets Caterpillar and WereCat
Wereland: Tunes
October 25, 2010 , Monday
Alice meets Clockwork Girl
October 26, 2010 , Tuesday
Alice meets WereGhouls
Giveaway: In Sickness by L.L. Soares and Laura Cooney
Review: from Giada Alice in Wonderland by Harriet Castor
Review: InJane by Douglas K. Pearson
Alice and the Fork
Trix: Dark Tales
October 27, 2010 , Wednesday
Tale: Campfire - Giveaway from MAD tin foil hatter
Tale: The Host by Stephenie Meyer
Review: Picture the Dead by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown
October 28, 2010 , Thursday
Tale: Ghost, Angels, and Aliens…Oh My!
Giveaway: Tabloids of Terror #3 by S.D. Hintz and Jerrod Balzer
Tale: Contact Room
Review: Intrinsical by Lani Woodland
October 29, 2010 , Friday
Tale: Glory
Giveaway: Forever Never Ends by Scott Nicholson
Alice meets Aliens
Trix: Zombie Bears
Treatz: Zombies and Hotness
October 30, 2010 , Saturday
Treatz: The Brimstone Key by Derek Benz and Jon S. Lewis
Trix: Talk like Jane Austen Day
Review: She Smells the Dead by E.J. Stevens
October 31, 2010 , Sunday
In My Mailbox: still more treatz
Trix: Vampires
End Credits and Acknowledgments
Deadline for giveaways part 1
November 2, 2010 , Tuesday
Announcement: giveaway winners part 1
November 5, 2010 , Friday
Review: Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits and other curious things by Cate Gardner
November 7, 2010 , Sunday
Review: StudyTrain: Volume 1, Reunion of the Untouchables by Kurt Frenier
November 10, 2010 , Wednesday
Review: Deadly Daggers by Joyce and Jim Lavene
November 12, 2010 , Friday
Review: Deception: Haunting Emma by Lee Nichols
November 13, 2010 , Saturday
Review: The Ghost Hunter by Lori Brighton
November 14, 2010 , Sunday
Deadline for giveaways part 2
November 16, 2010 , Tuesday
Announcement: giveaway winners part 2
Watch out: The Comeback by Kathleen McKenna
by Moira Rogers
The Brimstone Key
Grey Griffins: The Clockwork Chronicles #1
by Derek Benz and Jon S. Lewis
Deadly Daggers
by Joyce and Jim Lavene
Haunting Emma
by Lee Nichols
Forever Never Ends; Thank You For The Flowers ; Troubled
by Scott Nicholson
The Ghost Hunter
by Lori Brighton
The Half-Made World
by Felix Gilman
In Sickness
by L.L. Soares and Laura Cooney
In the Manor of the Ghost
by Tina Pinson
by Douglas K. Pearson
by Lani Woodland
October Girls: Crystal & Bone
by L.C. Glazebrook
Picture the Dead
by Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown
Selling Hope
by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
Silver Kiss
by Naomi Clark
She Smells The Dead
by E.J. Stevens
Star Crossed:
Gemini Night
by Bonnie Hearn Hill
Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits
and other curious things
by Cate Gardner
Volume 1, Reunion of the Untouchables
by Kurt Frenier
They Call Me Death
by Missy Jane
Thinks and Things
by Crystal Johnson
The Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno
by Ellen Bryson
The Wedding Gift
by Kathleen McKenna
Wolf Signs
by Vivian Arend
Brian James
Buy Zombie
Feiwel and Friends
Gestalt Publishing
Haunted Computer Books
Jasmine Becket-Griffith - Strangeling
La Femme Readers
Pot-Boilers Publishing
Sasha Soren
Skullvines Press
Undead in the Head
Zombies & Toys
* image source of October Trix-n-Treatz button created from artwork with permission from Strangeling