go here to learn how
then come back here and
say something Jane-ish to me, please
“The Miss Maitlands are both prettyish,”
"It was stupidish"
-Jane Austen
According to per Jane Austen Centre:
The trappings of Halloween which we now so regularly employ would have been foreign to her, even if their roots lay deep in the English history, of which she was so fond.
We still loves the Jane. And in my virtual halloween party I will dress like Jane Austen for All Hallows' Eve, but more like a paranormal version. I'm thinking of a blood thirsty kind ;-D
According to Take Back Halloween, To dress like Jane Austen, you just need a Regency gown. And a cap—her niece said she always wore a cap. Check out their sample guide.
I plan on spending this evening reading some of this...

by Michael Thomas Ford
vvb's Jane-speak:
Dear Gentle Reader,
I have been in communication with Mr Darcy (the other) who assures me that you shall find at least four and twenty-ish guests at next month's Pemberley Ball gala event.
The guests invited are quite agreeable and amiable. You may be inclined to find some creature who catch's your eye. And you may find yourself scruple as to who to pass your dance card to.
Only think of all the pleasure that will be derived by this most spectacular event.
I have been prodded to impart that the Invitations will be forthcoming on All Saints' Day.
I do hope you will be in attendance.
* Talk like Jane Austen day is in celebration of the 199th anniversary of the publishing of Sense and Sensibility.
* image source Jane