As guest bumble their way about the house, Dr. Viiiii continues to work in his lab.
How rude!
He should really attend to his guests!
by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
~~~ *a whisper * Dr. Viiiii
Dr. Viiiii startles, handlebar moustache trembling.
I drift around the laboratory tables, the beakers, the burbling goo.
Dr. Viiiii’s eyes dart through me, past me.
~~~ Dr. Viiiii, the comet approacheth.
~~~ The comet approacheth.
~~~ Beware the comet.
Dr. Viiiii repeats. Good. It’s working.
~~~ The earth is in danger.
~~~ People are afraid.
~~~ You can profit from fear.
Dr. Viiiii shakes his head, so I repeat it.
~~~ You can profit from fear.
~~~ Make anti-comet pills. I fade into the peeling wallpaper.
Dr. Viiiii’s eyes clear. He grabs a beaker.
~~~ Mwah…mwah…mwah ha ha ha!
Ghost post created for October Trix-n-Treatz by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
© 2010. All rights reserved.
by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~

by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
signup for giveaway here

Open to all.
Offer ends: October 31, 2010
1. Sign the guestbook (if you signed it already or in September - no need)
2. What unusual ingredient should Dr Viiiii add into the creation of the anti-comet pill?
* image source beakers, anti-comet pills from author