Finally, you've reached the top of the stairs. Whew!
I think we've reached Dr Viiiii's laboratory, from the the sounds coming from behind this door...
Dear Guests...
A thousand pardons.
I have been amiss in my duties as host.
But you see, I was just recently visited from an entity.
For you know some guests in this house are not of this world.
This entity spoke to me and imparted and most wondrous idea.
I have been hard at work and have just now completed my first anti-comet pill.
Dr Viiiii approaches you with a glint in his eye. Could be mischievous. Could be evil.
Would you like to try one?
Dr Viiiii steps closer to you.
You back away slowly.
This is guaranteed to protect you from harm from any oncoming comets destined for Earth.
You back away more.
Oh dear, I must advise you not to stand too close to that mirror...
But, his words fail to reach your ears as you are being sucked into a black abyss that is the mirror...
* image source mirror
* sound source oooze