How to Become an Undead Master of the High Seas
by Scott Kenemore
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Book Excerpt
Published: 2010
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing
Genre: Pirates, Zombies
Paperback: 256 pages
Rating: 5
Amazon | Barnes&Noble
Yet another brilliant entry in Kenemore’s zombie canon—Cap’n Hook meets the undead.
Set in the Caribbean of the eighteenth century, the epicenter of piracy, voodoo, and the dark arts, The Code of the Zombie Pirate reveals all the secrets to selecting, customizing, and managing a motley crew of pirates-cum-zombies. Imagine the consequences of pirates who have crossed the line to immortality: the breathtaking lack of respect for life—it’s the ultimate pirate dream! Kenemore advises captions in:
Selecting Zombie Pirates: Fast or slow, chatty or quiet?
Can a zombie hold a cutlass, or is it better off using its teeth? As readers will learn, pirate crews benefit from diversity.
Finding a Vessel Worthy of a Bunch of Dead Guys:
Learn the ins-and-outs of pirate ships. Which ones best suit zombies, with their unique undead benefits and drawbacks?
Flying the Zombie Pirate Flags: Learn how to instill fear with something as simple as a brain and crossbones.
Going Full Zombie: Should the reader—an aspiring Pirate King or Queen—become a member of the walking dead? There are benefits and drawbacks to this, discussed here.
This rollicking guide through the world that zombies and pirates both haunted and hunted will keep Zen of Zombie readers intrigued and win over legions of new fans.
30 color illustrations.
Amusing quote:
We are universally detested. Upon sight, our presence brings cries of alarm. Whenever we show up, people understand that something is very, very wrong.
- page 2, preface
Zen of Zombie Series:
The Code of the Zombie Pirate: How to Become an Undead Master of the High Seas
The Zen of Zombie: Better Living Through the Undead
Zombies vs. Nazis: A Lost History of the Walking Undead
Z.E.O.: How to Get A(Head) in Business
The Art of Zombie Warfare: How to Kick Ass Like the Walking Dead
My two-bits:
In-a-word(s): Zombie Tiara
Great mashup of pirates and zombies for a crew in the 1700s! The similarities made are hilarious ;-D
* review copy courtesy of author
* part of Talk Like a Pirate Day event
* part of September Zombies event which swings into full tilt tomorrow!