by Heather of Gofita's Pages
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
All around.
My neighbors no longer make brownies and green Jell-o with carrots.
Oh, no...it's all brains.

Sure they'll throw them in some brownie mix or green Jell-o now, but BRAINS! Really?
No longer do we have yummy strawberry/banana shakes....yup, you guessed it. Brain shakes with the occasional strawberry or banana.
I've gotta be vigilant; I am starting to get the strangest stares from the zombies...it's like I'm food or something. But no way would my brain be good in a shake, brownie or Jell-o!
I've got my shotgun (OK, it's a nerf gun), my zombie survival guide, and a few magazines. I'm sure this whole brain craze will just blow over. I hear it's like a cold or something and will just pass on...Oh, look! I see my neighbors shuffling over with some brownies. I'll just open my door and try one..."
Guest post created for September Zombies event by Heather of Gofita's Pages
© 2011. All rights reserved.
by Heather of Gofita's Pages
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
NOW, head over to Gofita's Pages for a zombie reviews of...

edited by: Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier

by Diana Rowland
* header image source, jello brains