by by Midnight Cowgirl of The Fashion Planner
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
This is Jessica Hunter coming to you live from inside the women’s dressing room at Needless Markup.
What began as the annual fall fashion event at Midtown’s premier department store is now the site of an unprecedented zombie attack. Only moments ago, top model Phoenix Muse was walking down the runway wearing the hottest trend of the season – urban warrior meets apocalypse chic – when she launched herself off the catwalk and on top of loyal Needless Markup customer, Laura Perk.
People in the audience rushed to breakup what they thought was a catfight only to discover that Muse is the latest to join the ranks of the undead. From what I can tell, several attendees were injured in the altercation with Muse before they managed to subdue her.
Unfortunately, Muse is not the only model to succumb to the zombie virus. At least six other models, including one infamous male underwear model, followed Muse off the runway and launched an attack on Needless Markup’s finest clientele.
I can only describe the scene as sheer pandemonium as coddled customers and overworked staff fought against the stylishly disheveled zombies. In fact, I barely made it to the safety of the women’s dressing room, actually having to use my Jimmy Choo stilettos to stab people who got in my way.
Even with the door locked, I can still hear the shrieking of those outside doing battle with the designer clad zombies. However, despite the carnage seen today, I think most attendees will take away the startling realization that fall’s hottest trend is not horseshoe handbags but brainzzzzzz!
Guest post created for September Zombies event by Midnight Cowgirl of The Fashion Planner
© 2011. All rights reserved.
by Midnight Cowgirl of The Fashion Planner
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
NOW, head over to The Fashion Planner to find out what to wear during a zombie attack. She is imagining outfits inspired by Serenity/Firefly...

Snippet peek: must visit The Fashion Planner to see the complete ensemble!
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