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In the new game Eaten By Zombies! players strive to survive as the horde of the living dead make it their goal in Death to force you to join the crowd. You must work with or against the other survivors to be the last one standing. No not standing, cowering in the corner crying for their mommy.

This game was developed in the spirit of AMC's "The Walking Dead", the movie "I Am Legend", and all those classic zombie movies.
Eaten By Zombies takes you into a dark world of eventual death (undeath actually).
Every turn you must venture out from your safehouse and scavenge for Swag. But not so fast, the Undead have other plans for your brains.
Every day a Horde of fresh zombies will be waiting for you, and over time the threat gets greater. Now it's time for your "Fight or Flight" instincts to help you to survive just one more day. Using the swag you've got on you (ie cards in you hand) you must survive any way you can.

If you can get away or kill the Horde, you may scavenge the remains of the desolate suburbs for any Swag the neighbors may have left behind.
With the right stuff and a few good friends to out run, you may just make it through this alive... well, no probably not. But being the last one to die a slow, painful death means you can claim sole victory!
* this zombie treat was sent to me from Freda of Freda's Voice