by Pabkins of Mission to Read!
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
Everyone at work always said I was crazy, the way I would carry on and on about zombie this, zombie that - 'apocalypse is gonna come'. Zombie one way...or another... So what if most of the time I was half joking? I knew there was a reason for all those zombie nightmares I've always had. Aside from the nights in front of the TV watching zombie flicks. So here's my half hearted cheer for dreams really do come true. Oh joy, what fun.
Now I wish I could eat my own words! I have a household full of books and several shelves worth of zombie books and you'd think I would have been more prepared than I am. All things considered I know we are better off than most. The hubby and I are safe for now - but we both know that isn't going to last for long. The air outside is so think with smoke that I wonder how we'll breathe when we leave the house shortly. Even now there is a layer of soot all over everything. All of the hills and fields in our area caught fire a day ago and they are still burning.
The only high point of the past day was seeing the neighbors fleeing their house and taking along those three nightmare devil dogs. I know I'm a sick and twisted person...but I thought about trying to shoot those dogs through their window last night. Idiots had so many candles burning and the dogs yapping - as if they wanted to call a hoard down on us.
So the Plan...yes, the plan is to make it to the old air base that closed down ten or so years ago...Dad used to work out there and I know they still have a small operating airstrip. When the rest of the bases in the area closed down they left this small one open near the bigger airstrip. I know if we don't get there soon whoever else might have realized this...or hell whoever is actually fit to fly might have already left. Dad's old army buddy is was of the people still manning it and he lives about a 15 minute drive from here. I am counting on them being farther away from the airstrip than me. I just know we have a good chance - He's old and hardened, but he's still going to have a harder time getting there than us.
That shooting range practice from my Army days is finally going to pay off. He thought it was dangerous to have a handgun in the house. I had thought about giving it up this year too since we were planning to have a baby, how quickly things change! I'm so glad I kept it, trusty Springfield XD 40. I'm having Brandon practice right now taking her apart and putting her back together so he gets comfortable with it before we leave the house. I've had him dry fire it a few times - but he's never fired a live round.
I've loaded Brandon's bag down with half of the ammo and mine the other half. I can't carry as much weight but if the worst should happen at least he will have ammo and hopefully the mindfulness to grab the gun should I be taken down. Luckily enough we also have his awesome battery operated nail gun. Take that crustoe oooey gooies! Gonna nail ya! But we only have one extra set of batteries and both the nails and ammo are heavy. I wish we could take on more weight but I worry about if and when we'll have to ditch the truck. We've got the huge gardening shears and a saw but I hate thinking about getting up that close. The rest of the bag is MREs and water.
I'm hoping we can somehow make it to Washington. I know Rinni and the twins are safe - I just know it. She's one of the most paranoid people I know....and those boys aren't called the destroyers for no nothing.
Guest post created for September Zombies event by Pabkins of Mission to Read!
© 2011. All rights reserved.
A trio update:
READ Rinni's post.
READ Tom's post.
READ Pabkins post - here.
by Pabkins of Mission to Read!
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
NOW, head over to MissionToRead! for a zombie review of...

by Carlton Mellick
Note from Pabkins: GIVEAWAY ALERT!
As part of the zombie craze I've been going through lately my sister Rinni wanted to contribute by making a Zombie Plush Bunny. Her and I are both crazy crafters. So for a chance to win one of these awesome gorey bunnies - hop on over to Rinni's Playground.

created by the sister duo
Rinni of Rinni's Playground
Pabkins of MissionToRead!
signup here for this bunny special offer
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