Dreaming Books is a new meme I'm starting up on my site to let you know what old, current or upcoming book(s) I'm excited for and dreaming to get someday *sigh*. The books are in keeping with my usual genre favorites - YA, Jane Austen, steampunk, vampires, werewolves and zombiessssss.
Similar to Waiting on Wednesday and On My Wishlist memes already out there. If you have a post for books on your "want list" feel free to send me your link in comments. I'd be interested in taking a peek into what you're dreaming of...
Today I'm picking out a few books based on covers and the fairy tale theme.

by Julie Berry

by Suzanne Weyn

by Helen Lowe

by Christopher Golden

by Cameron Dokey
Tell me if any of these appeal to you and they just might show up during Fairy Tales in bruges week, August 23-29, 2010.

If you didn't already know it, these books will be featured during Fairy Tales in bruges week and the authors have all agreed to guest post and give away copies of their books! Can I get some HUZZAH's!

by Michelle Davidson Argyle
The Healer's Apprentice
by Melanie Dickerson
The Stumpwork Robe
The Last Stitch (sequel)
by Prue Batten
* image source lady reading
* HUZZAH = an archaic English interjection of joy or approbation