Thanks to Gef Fox of Wag the Fox!
This award is based on the release of Cate Gardner's short story collection, Strange Men in Pinstriped Suits. The book is available for pre-order and at a discount of $1.99 off of the cover price. To help celebrate this release, Cate and Strange Publications have a contest with two prize packages to choose from.

The 'Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits' award is given to only the strangest of folk, and as the recipient of such you are deemed very strange indeed.
Now you must go forth and celebrate the strangeness of friends (and strangers - strangers are always allowed) by nominating blogs run by strange folk. *Beware, some people don't like you to refer to them as strange…Try to avoid them if possible.
Some rules:
1. Add the logo of the award to your blog post.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (don't mess with strange people).
3. Nominate seven other blogs telling us why you think the recipient is strange enough to deserve the award.
4. Leave a message for those nominated on their blogs.
5. And, if you email catephoenix(at)gmail(dot)com and tell her you've received the award for your strangeness, she'll enter you in the biggest kick-ass Strange Men competition ever. Details over at strangemeninpinstripesuits.com (click on the award link on the home page)
To my fellow book bloggers...
1. Charlotte of The Book on the Hill - she's in theatre ;-D
2. Freda of Freda's Voice - love her sense of humor
3. Lexie of Poisoned Rationality - shares my mish mosh mix
4. Mary Ann of Mary Ann DeBorde writes (and reads) - well her initials are M.A.D.
5. Misty of Book Rat - shares my mish mosh mix
6. Sullivan McPig of Pearls Cast Before a McPig - the perspective of a hip and happening pig in the Netherlands!
7. Titania of Fishmuffins of Doom - her blog name oozes strange, eh!
* honorable mention: Celia of adventures of cecelia bedelia - she's in my top but already got this award, goes to show how strange she is...