It is the wardrobe. Maids are unpacking and shining guest's tiaras for the evening's dinner celebration.

*** Book Giveaway ***
Do you like short stories?

Issue 74, Spring 2010
Stories by:
Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig
Michael Schiavone
Eric Scot Tryon
Clark E. Knowles
Elizabeth Koch
Michael Poore
Paul Michel
Juan Martinez
Karen Outen
Maggie Shipstead
Interview with Xu Xi
Open to all.
Offer ends: August 30, 2010
TO DO (2-parts):
1. Sign guestbook (if you haven't already).
2. If your Tiara is part of this stash, then issue an order to one of the servants in comments.
Did I miss yours?
Show us your bling.
Do a search for TIARA. Send me the link to the tiara picture that catches your fancy.
Contest has ended - winner is here
* The Wardrobe in the castle was intended as a dressing room and storage room for clothes and used by Lord of the castle. It became the storage room for costly, personal items such as jewels, coins, furs, spices, and plates. The use of the wardrobe was extended to the room where dressmaking and hairdressing was conducted. -per Medieval Castle Life
* tiara selections based on Princess Lessons post
* image source header tiara