The mysterious stranger's arms encircles you as you both gallop away from the animated zombies.
Another horseman yells...
Robin, I must search for my love, Brunhilde! Wherever can she be???
Aye! Robin replies.
At this point you...
A - shut your eyes, lean back into Robin's warmth and hope you reach safety soon
B - turn back at the zombies, stick out your tongue and blow a raspberry
C - grab a hold of Robin's sword, jump off the horse and prepare to kick some zombie butt
*** Book Giveaway courtesy of author ***

by David B. Coe
Open to US only.
Offer ends: August 30, 2010
TO DO (2-parts):
1. Sign guestbook (if you haven't already).
2. Tell me what you did when you looked back at the zombie horde.
Contest has ended - winner is here