(a steampunk tale)
by svb
It was simple. Flying the airplane was simple. All she had to do to control it was to shift her body weight. She could also control the direction of the plane through her mind. That was how the plane maneuvered.
Raven lifted into the sky. It had been a while since she last flew it, and it felt good to be in the air again. The plane was well made and well balanced. She had created the plane herself with the help of her good friend, Jimmy Austin. He was gone, though. He left her standing, and waving goodbye as he was lifted into the sky with a whole bunch of other people in an aircraft carrier that was shaped as a hot air balloon.
He was going on a tour around the part of the other dimension of reality that was Raven’s steampunk world. When he left, he was never seen again. Raven would cry for her dear friend every night. She would think of him every day, but he never came back.
Whatever happened to him, Raven thought, he surely couldn’t be dead. If he were dead, the rest of the people that went on the tour with him would be dead, too. It was logical in her world. Most of the people on the airship had returned in bad shape. If they returned, Jimmy had to return, too. It was logical…
Raven shook off the sad feeling for her friend. It wasn’t a good feeling to be sad when she was flying her plane. The feeling made her eyes go misty and blurry. With her eyes that way, she would surly crash and, she would be gone from the world like her friend. Raven flew on. She watched the city below her pass by.
“Goodbye my good old city,” she said to herself.
She suddenly speeded away in a rush, for she didn’t want to see the city left behind. Was it a smart choice to leave at this time?
Raven $age & the Other Dimension:
Part 1: Trouble in the City
Part 2: The Adventure Takes Flight
Part 3: Flying
* image source sandygrafik Ravens Moon - you can get this image on a card or t-shirt, unbeknownst to svb, i'm getting her one as a surprise gift this month ;-D
* a raw e-fiction post written by the daughter, svb
* my weekly post on things steampunk (Victorian sci-fi/fantasy)
* totally inspired by steampunk posts written by Celia of adventures of cecelia bedelia