ended July 31, 2010
Thanks to all contestants!
I will email winners for mailing addresses.
Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email
or if you are just too darn excited and want to let me know -- like NOW ;-D

for Stormi's Bash (my post)
Winner chosen by Stormi: Llehn
Room 7609 (monthly giveaway):
For the first Room 7609 giveaway prize instead of offering books from the Room 7609 bookshelf I decided to visit the winner's wishlist on their blog. Freda's wishing for this interesting vampire book...

An Ethical Vampire Novel
book 3 of series
by Susan Hubbard
Winner (complimentary): Freda of Freda's Voice
Description from the amazon:
The vampire sects are at war—and war among vampires is fought not with weapons, but with minds.
My name is Ariella Montero, and I know a secret. Telling it will change everything.
Half-human and half-vampire, Ari confronts the darker sides of vampirism, and herself, as the sects deploy new technologies to battle for influence and power.
But beyond these challenges lie greater risks: Ari’s relationship with Neil Cameron, the first vampire to run for the U.S. presidency, must be kept under wraps from even those she trusts most. When scandal inevitably erupts, Ari is forced to face the consequences of her actions, learning the hard way that love demands delicate negotiations between memory and desire.
--> check out the current giveaways and upcoming events on my sidebar