The forks look especially shiny...
Compagnie Akselere
presents Sleeping Beauty
Vermont September 23-24, 2010
New York City September 28 to October 2, 2010
hope it comes to San Francisco...
shadow puppetry
object theater
and passionate monologue
Excerpt from Australian Stage article:
This version of Sleeping Beauty is closer to a nightmare than a fairytale. A girl grows up in a poor family in Liverpool, England. She is the youngest of seven. Her father dies. She gets farmed out to her grandmother who locks her in the cupboard under the stairs. She steals and thinks it is so exciting to be going in a police car that she waves to all the people she knows. She meets boys who lead her astray. And she knows she is a princess and that prince charming will arrive - even if it is in the form of a medical miracle. read more here

* spotted this on Once Upon a Blog - a great source for fairy tale news