We last met Alice at Mr Knightley's picnic. She had first spotted Mr Jackalope (aka Mr J) running in a field. Upon learning about Mr J from Lady Vee, she decided to follow him for a bit of afternoon entertainment.
He was only about 20 feet ahead. Alice had kept pace with Mr J after leaving Mr Knightley's picnic behind her. Mama will be most displeased. However, she felt she would turn back soon if she didn't see the crowds or finish line for the race within the next quarter of an hour.
Running was exhilarating after sitting on hours in the company of Mama's chattering acquaintances. She did not want to hear about Lady so-and-so's latest reticule acquisition or Mr such-and-such's prized horses. She much preferred to walk the fields and gardens on Mr Knightley's estate.
Posh! Mr Jackalope suddenly made a sharp turn behind that tree. He was now out of sight. Quite!
Alice approached the tree and did not see Mr J anywhere.
She looked here and there.
She looked up and down.
He just could not be found.
How strange?
Upon closer inspection of the tree, she spied a door!
The door was left ajar.
Mayhaps, Mr J went through?
Alice pushed the door and peeked inside.
to be continued
Question of the day: Have you ever had a pet rabbit, bunny or jackalope?
* image source The Old Tree II by =nathie
* part of Alice in Whatsitland (see schedule)
* wanna be a part of Alice's adventure in Whatsitland? join the challenge!
Blogosphere giveaway:

from MJ Ornaments
-ends March 10, 2010
-and tell them I sent ya!
the story continues...
flash back -~- flash forward