The witch led Alice into her cottage which was warm and cozy with the delicious smell of fresh baked madeleines (the cakes not the girl).
Witch: How can I be of service miss Alice?
Alice: I am seeking the way OUT of Whatsitland. It is most urgent.
Witch: I see.
The witch looked into Alice's eyes for a minute and knew.
She just knew.
She walked to her bookshelf and removed a book (of course).
Witch: Look into this book and select your fate.

Alice opened the book and instead of pages, she found mini-cakes (we call them cupcakes).
She read each one carefully.
Hmmmmmmmmm, Catcher in the Rye, wonder what that is.

And then, it came to her.
Yes, that must be the one. For that is one of Mr Knightley's guests at the picnic.
And she did see them talking with each other several times throughout.
In fact, they seem to always be together.
Alice: I choose EMMA.
Witch: So it goes.
Take EMMA with you into the field of heather and partake of it.
Alice: Oh, I'm not so sure. I've had trouble with eating and drinking things in Whatsitland.
Witch: It is the ONLY way OUT.
With that in mind, Alice took the EMMA.
Alice: My humble thanks.
Alice met Whatwolf in the woods and apprised him of the meeting.
Whatwolf: I know of the field she speaks. Come follow.
* image source book cupcakes
first spotted at See Michelle Read
* part of Alice in Whatsitland (see schedule)
* wanna be a part of Alice's adventure in Whatsitland? join the challenge!
Blogosphere giveaway:

from The Eclectic Element
-ends March 19, 2010
-and tell them I sent ya!
the story continues...
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